Friday, October 1, 2010

The Quick Rundown: Collectivism must have an elite to set direction

The "Democratic" Party says, The elite must rule!

Joe Biden put it on election day, "How shall we rule these people?" That remark has no place in an elected office.

The "Democratic" Party is a natural collectivist organization. They live by the maxim, "the rule of the majority". If majority is all that matters, why tolerate an individual? Run over him.

The GOP leadership is presently confused by a elitist club which only wishes to be in power. We must help them become unconfused. The reason why the "Democratic" Party is in trouble is the People don't like being ignored in their own country. If the GOP needs similar discipline, we have to give it to them.

An intimidating thought is, the Republicans tend to have real world experience making things work with real people. That makes the Republicans Party more capable technicians than the "Democratic" Party elitists are. In an odd way its better we are exiting the era of "New Tone" politics. Had the Republicans been elected, they would have been forced to give us a working socialist empire. Instead we got the permanently lame, Democrazy version of collectivist socialism. No matter the party affliation, collectivists are dangerous to your liberty, life and personal welfare.

The TEA Party addressed the concerns of the oppressed Individual. Elitists do not offer 'freedom' based in the value of the Individual. The 'freedom' the collectivist offers is counterfeit. How effective the elite collectivists are at frightening the individuals with a mirror will determine the outcome of the coming election. They have mass media on their side.


We must restore the republic. Law must be based on what is right. Law is not subject to the will of the majority. If it were, the majority of white folk in the old South had a perfect moral and legal right to keep slaves. But slavery is unacceptable in a republic.

In a republic, we have two cardinal rules: First, all persons are equal before the law. No one is above the law and no one is ignored by it. The law is not used to make people equal. "Before" is meant in every sense of the word. Before the bench, during judgment. Before the law is applied. And before the time the law is composed. The last is especially important. Law can be used only to re-enforce the equality of persons, not make persons equal.

Thus law which prefer certain "groups" of people are illicit, and a violation of public trust.

The second rule of republic is all measure of society is in the way it treats the common person as an individual. Any law enacted by a legislature which debases the individual below society or elevates an individual above society is a corruption of society. Such law and policy are a betrayal of the People at large -- that is Treason.

If debasement or elevation are not tolerated, then taxes which are laid heavily on the "rich are a perversion of the value of the individual.


Let us work not be so near the edge of the abyss. We must break up the "Democratic" Party hegemony in the Congress. If the opportunity presents itself, talk to anyone who will listen until we become free again. It will be a long struggle, but the prize is worth the price.